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The Dog Depot is a unique club, where every dog, no matter what size, age or breed is welcome to apply. However to ensure the safety and well-being of all member dogs we require that all dogs meet the following criteria before their application can be considered.  

There are 3 easy steps to becoming a Dog Depot Member.


The more we know the more able we are to tailor services to you and your dogs, unique needs. Please ensure your loved one is up to date with their vaccinations including Kennel Cough, DHPP & Lepto Virus. 


The application form provides us with a detailed history of you and your dog, allowing us to gain an invaluable insight into the how he or she will fit into  this unique environment and what playgroup they will enjoy the most. If you have any questions about the application form please call or if you are unsure of any of the question we can talk that through when you come in.


1. Contact options for bookings please go to our Contact page and email us.

We can book your first day and talk through any questions you might have.    

Fill out our application form here The Dog Depot Application Form - and either print a copy and bring it with you or follow the steps below. 


2. Click on the link below for the pdf form, save it to your computer first, then open it on your computer using Acrobat Reader fill out and press submit to email us - and we will call you.


Complete The Dog Depot Application Form once downloaded to your computer. Do not fill it in using your web browser, as it will not save the information or send. You can sign it when we see you!

IMPORTANT - Please save a copy of your completed form. If the form does not submit once you hit the 'Submit' form button, save the form as your "DOGS NAME" and email to or print and bring with you on your first day. If we have not got back to you within a few days, please give us a call so we can at least schedule your first day.

(You will need Acrobat Reader. If you don't have either of these, you can download Acrobat here for free. )


We will need a copy of  your dog’s current medical and vaccination history - either include a copy with your printed application or bring the originals with you when we arrange your meet and greet



Once we have received your application form we will invite you and your dog to join us for a complimentary two hour meet and greet . Giving you and your dog a chance to sniff around and meet some fellow pack members. 


For the safety of everyone at day-care, it is important that all dogs interact positively together. For this reason, we use the meet and greet session to evaluate if The Dog Depot is a suitable place for your dog.



When you arrive we sit down for 15 - 20 minutes to discuss your dog’s history (previous owners, socialisation, interactions with other dogs, etc.), check your vaccination booklets and talk through what we do at The Dog Depot and how our days run. 


Our evaluations always take place in the morning between 8.30 and 9am, we choose this timing because a senior staff member can spend the time with you and your dog.


It is important any dog attending for the first time, is given ample time and space to get used to the new surroundings. Only our senior staff conduct evaluations,  closely monitoring your dog’s body language and reactions during initial interactions with other dogs.  We always use like-minded, calmer day-care dogs at first and then slowly let more of the pack in as your loved one settles.  After a few minutes we can tell if it is suitable for your dog to stay with us for the rest of the morning / day ... and you are free to head off whenever you like.


Your loved dog then experiences a half day with us, meeting new friends and staff. We only use positive, praise based techniques to form a strong bond with your dog during this time and he / she is closely monitored throughout his / her whole first session. If, during this time, we identify any areas of concern, we will discuss these with you and offer advice on how best to proceed.   


However if all goes well you four legged friend is now part of The Dog Depot pack, and when you come to pick him / her up we can talk through what membership options best suit you.



Our mission at The Dog Depot is to provide a safe, fun and stimulating social environment for dogs during the day.

To ensure the safety and health of your dog and our other members, we require all of our members to comply with the following rules and regulations.



All dogs at The Dog Depot must meet the following health and safety requirements:



All dogs must complete the evaluation process;


Application form – to assess basic day-care eligibility;


Meet and Greet Session   – attendance at The Dog Depot to assess suitability; and evaluation and initial set up fees apply to all new pack members.


All dogs must be well socialised, or in training.


All dogs must be non-aggressive and not food or toy-protective.


Owners will certify that their dogs have not harmed or shown any aggressive or threatening behaviour towards any person and/or other dog(s).

The Dog Depot reserves the right to dismiss any dog from day-care should they show aggressive or threatening behaviour at any time.

Dogs that continue to show problematic behaviour may be required to limit their visits and/or undergo behaviour modification/training.


Age: All dogs enrolled in basic day-care should ideally be at least 4 months of age or older, but we are able to care for younger puppies.


Sex: Dogs should ideally be spayed or neutered by 6 or 7 months, but no later than 12 months

Occasionally dogs will come into season before they are due to be de-sexed - they will not be able to attend day-care during this time


Canine Vaccinations: All dogs must have up-to-date vaccinations.


We require proof of current DHPP (Distemper/Hepatitis/Parainfluenza/Parvovirus), Leptovirus, Bordatella (kennel cough) vaccinations.

Vaccinations must be administered within 12 months but no later than 3 weeks prior to day-care entry.




The health and comfort of your dog is our main priority, and before booking we need you to consider the following: 


If your dog has had a bout of vomiting, diarrhoea or other sickness 24 hours before day-care day, please advise us so we are able to control the spread of disease or take preventative measures. 


Kennel stays - if your dog has been housed in a boarding kennel for a short (hours) or long period of time, he/she must not attend day-care for at least 7 - 10 days after his/her kennel visit. This is important in preventing the spread of potential diseases such as Kennel Cough within our facility, and the wider community. 


It is important to keep us informed regarding your dog’s health, such as wounds, scratches, scrapes and injuries. Throughout the course of the day we health check the dogs in our care and it has become a trend lately for us to find injuries or wounds that we have not been told about.  It is essential we are informed about anything out of the ordinary. 


If your dog has recently had surgery - for any reason - please advise us, dogs who are post-surgery have specific needs and requirements.  If your dog has stitches it is imperative that he/she is kept at home away from other dogs that may pull, scratch or stretch stitches, there is also the possibility of infection. 


Vaccination updates - bring your vaccination card in on your next visit after your dog’s annual vaccination to enable us to update our records. 


Please feed your dog early on day-care days. Dogs that are fed in the morning need at least 1.5 hours to digest their food before exercising to prevent them vomiting their food and to prevent other potential problems such as gastric torsion (bloat).

Vet Examining Dog

© 2020 The Dog Depot

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